i have a graduation project with the title " congestion avoidance in VANet" , i found a good book which has a lot of congestion avoidance techniques (link of this book), now i have a problem of how can i make a good algorithms of these techniques, and how can i implement at least two of them , i took a look at many veins classes like TraCIScenarioManager
and TraCIMobility
but i found them so complicated and i didn't know from where should i start !
Start by doing the TicToc tutorial to learn how OMNeT++ works. You just need basic c++ knowledge.
Then have a look at the example provided in Veins and the link I posted in the first comment. You now should have a good understanding of how Veins works. Hence, you can start implementing the techniques into MyVeinsApp
. I suggest to use the original publications of those techniques, though.