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How to add same column name in excel sheet in EPPLUS library while creating excel

I am using EPPLUS library for creating excel file with a data table. I have such column in my stored procedure: emp_name, sales, INR, marketing, INR But in excel file it generates column name like with column name like emp_name, sales, INR, marketing, INR1 etc. How do I prevent that to print whatever column name in the data table or any other configurations that I am missing?


        string BasePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BasePath"];
        string fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".xlsx";
        string FilePath = BasePath + fileName;

        using (ExcelPackage excel = new ExcelPackage())
            ExcelWorksheet ws = 

            ws.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold = true;

            ws.Column(1).Width = 10;
            ws.Column(2).Width = 20;
            ws.Column(3).Width = 20;
            ws.Column(4).Width = 20;

            FileInfo excelFile = new FileInfo(FilePath);
            ws.Protection.IsProtected = false;


  • INR and INR1 is printed because your datatable has those columns. When same column is selected more than one time in a select list, SQL automatically aliases the column name by adding number at its end to distinguish between two columns. A datatable cannot have duplicate column names. In your case, second INR is being renamed to INR1. You could try

    ws.Cells["A1"].LoadFromDataTable(data,true); //"PrintHeaders" true instead of false

    but I think you will get the same result.

    If you can somehow manage to get cell address of header after data is loaded you can over write the value as ws.Cells["A5"].Value="INR" will overwrite the "INR1". There are other ways also