If I have this digraph character: ň in a file, place the cursor over it and type ga
I see the message
<ň> 328, Hex 0148, Octal 510
But then if I search for /\%o510
or /%x0148
I get E486: Pattern not found
in my vimrc:
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
How do I search for these characters using either Octal or Hex codes?
From :help %o
%o Matches the character specified with an octal number up to 0377.
%x Matches the character specified with up to two hexadecimal characters.
Because 0510 octal is greater than 0377, the octal search will not match. Similarly, %x
admits up to two hexadecimal characters but you need three (148).
Instead use four-character hex-search:
%u Matches the character specified with up to four hexadecimal characters
So the pattern is \%u148