My company is new to Conan, Artifactory, and Jenkins, but we set up some test pipeline scripts a few months ago and utilized the Jenkins Artifactory plugin to publish some Conan packages to our Artifactory server. These scripts are now failing with an SSL certification failure.
We are using the following packages:
Our "package and publish" stage in our pipline scripts look similar to this when it comes to Artifactory configuration:
stage('Package and Publish') {
def artifactory_name = "MyCompanyArtifactory"
def artifactory_repo = "conan-local"
def server = Artifactory.server artifactory_name
def client = Artifactory.newConanClient()
def serverName = client.remote.add server: server, repo: artifactory_repo "export-pkg . ci-user/stable -s os=Linux -s arch=x86_64 -s build_type=Debug") "export-pkg . ci-user/stable -s os=Linux -s arch=x86_64 -s build_type=Release")
String myCmd = "upload MyLib/* --all -r ${serverName} --confirm"
def bInfo = myCmd)
//server.publishBuildInfo bInfo
This code was working at one time, but I believe it stopped working when our IT department switched Artifactory over to HTTPS access. Now, Jenkins errors out when attempting to set the Conan user for our repo:
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Package and Publish)
[Pipeline] getArtifactoryServer
[Pipeline] initConanClient
[shared-mylib] $ sh -c 'conan config set log.trace_file=\"/home/builduser/jenkins/workspace/shared-mylib@tmp/conan.tmp261537390058591873/conan_log.log\" '
[Pipeline] conanAddRemote
[shared-mylib] $ sh -c "conan remote add b519966f-f612-4094-b3ea-453a017cf793 "
WARN: Remotes registry file missing, creating default one in /home/builduser/jenkins/workspace/shared-rtplib@tmp/conan.tmp261537390058591873/.conan/registry.txt
[Pipeline] conanAddUser
Adding conan user 'ci-user', server 'b519966f-f612-4094-b3ea-453a017cf793'
[shared-mylib] $ sh -c ********
ERROR: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /artifactory/api/conan/conan-local/v1/users/authenticate (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, u'[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:726)'),))
This behavior is not limited to Jenkins access; it is also happening when regular users attempt to access the Artifactory Conan repo, but we can get around it by adding the remote repo with Verify_SSL as False (at the end of the following command):
conan remote add myco-conan-local False
I believe the Conan documentation indicates we have two options:
conan remote
command (above)Unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out how to accomplish either solution when it comes to the Jenkins pipeline script. So my questions:
command (or something similar) in the Jenkins pipeline script?Option #1 is probably preferred for a simpler short-term solution, but I'd like to understand how Option #2 is accomplished as well.
Thanks for reading.
The command:
$ conan remote add <remote-name> <remote-url> False -f
forces the overwrite of the existing <remote-name>
setting verifyHttps=False
Although the plugin DSL does not contain interface to that argument, it allows to execute arbitrary commands, so you could do something like:
node {
def server = Artifactory.server "artifactory"
def client = Artifactory.newConanClient()
def serverName = client.remote.add server: server, repo: "conan-local"
String command = "remote add ${serverName} http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/conan/conan-local False -f" command)
String command = "search zlib -r=${serverName}" command)
The URL of the remote is needed, which is a bit of duplication, but I have tested and it works, so can be used as a workaround.