So I have a fully functional 'ldap' class.
Now I want to do some stuff for certain users in my ldap directory.
I do this in a new 'users' module, by first making a new defined_type:
define users::admin (
String $sshkey
) {
file {"/home/${title}":
ensure => directory,
owner => $title,
group => 'root',
require => Class['ldap']
Then I use this defined type in my 'users' module's init.pp:
class users {
users::admin {'ldt':
sshkey => 'mysshkey',
But when I try to use 'pdk test unit' on this, I get the following error:
failed: rspec: ./spec/classes/users_spec.rb:8: error during compilation:
Could not find resource 'Class[Ldap]' in parameter 'require'
(file: ~/Projects/puppet/modules/users/spec/fixtures/modules/users
/manifests/admin.pp, line: 15) on node <mycomputer>
For completeness's sake, here's my admin_spec.rb (barely changed from the pdk default):
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'users::admin' do
let(:title) { 'namevar' }
let(:params) do
'sshkey' => ''
on_supported_os.each do |os, os_facts|
context "on #{os}" do
let(:facts) { os_facts }
it { compile }
I tried setting my .fixtures.yml as follows, but that didn't help:
ldap: "#{source_dir}"
Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: changed my .fictures.yml to:
ldap: "#{source_dir}/../ldap"
Heck I even manually added a symlink to my ldap module in the spec/fixtures/modules folders. Still the same error.
So it turns out the error had nothing to do with rspec or anything.
I just needed to 'include ldap' in my actual puppet code.