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endpoints group by resources swagger annotation?

I'm using Spring for my REST API development. And I have some API where there are lots of endpoints. When I open up swagger ui, it looks to packed.

I just read this article and saw that we can group endpoints based on resource level.

I just want to know how that can be achieved with swagger annotations with Spring. I appreciate if someone can describe with an example.

And also I just wonder whether we can regroup (higher level grouping) the groups we have deduces in above way?


  • ********** SOLUTION 1: (using groups) **********

    Just define multiple Docket bean for each group, and u will get logical grouping as per your need.

    public Docket api1() {
    return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
    public Docket api2() {
    return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)

    Now you will get two groups in your swagger ui like below.


    ********** SOLUTION 2: (using tags) **********

    You don't need to define multiple Docket bean just one is enough.

    public Docket api1() {
    // here tags is optional, it just adds a description in the UI
    // by default description is class name, so if you use same tag using 
    // `@Api` on different classes it will pick one of the class name as 
    // description, so better define your own description for them
    return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
        .tags(new Tag("users", "users related"), 
              new Tag("products", "products related"))

    After that you just need to annotate your api methods with @Api (at class level, default for all methods) or @ApiOperation (at method level, will override value at class level).

    @Api(tags = "products")
    public class ProductController {
        @ApiOperation(value = "", tags = "products")
        @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
        public Product createProduct(@RequestBody Product product) {
            return product;


    Tags in @ApiOperation (or in @Api) will work across controller as well, i.e. method in different controller classes (or controller itself) tagged with a given tag will be grouped together.