I know that "LaTeX Error: Option clash for package hyperref.
" solution is in https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/279964/option-clash-for-package-hyperref
I used another tex template 'sjtuthesis.cls', which has used package hyperref
./sjtuthesis.cls:83:\RequirePackage[xetex, bookmarksnumbered, colorlinks, urlcolor=black, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, plainpages=false, pdfstartview=FitH]{hyperref}
But bookdown will add package hyperref
automately, too.
In generated bookdown.tex file by https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown/tree/master/inst/examples
./_book/bookdown.tex:26:\PassOptionsToPackage{usenames,dvipsnames}{color} % color is loaded by hyperref
so the two lines hyperref clash. I mean, how to avoid packages clash between custom tex template with bookdown inner-used package? How to modify the rmd file? can anyone help me, thank you.
Unfortunately it happens quite often that a given class does not work well together with the default LaTeX template used by rmarkdown
. You have to write your own template, c.f. Rmd to PDF compiling error: Package geometry \paperwidth (0.0pt) too short.