I want to have an option that takes two arguments. I.e. would like to be able to use
$ ./foo --path "old" "new"
Or what I really want is:
$ ./foo --path "old" "new" --path "old" "new"
But I don't know how to do it? (In fact I fear that it might not be possible...)
I know how to have a repeating option (see below), but that is really not what I want here.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
foo [--path ARG]...
--path=ARG Repeating option.
import docopt
args = docopt.docopt(__doc__)
Could be called with
$ ./foo --path "old" --path "new"
This can be easily archived with docopt.
Syntax: Usage: ./foo [--path <src> <dst>]...
Input: ./foo --path src1 dst1 --path src2 dst2
>>> from docopt import docopt
>>> doc = "Usage: ./foo [--path <src> <dst>]..."
>>> argv = "--path old1 new1 --path old2 new2".split()
>>> args = docopt(doc, argv)
"--path": 2,
"<dst>": [
"<src>": [
And now do something with it:
>>> if bool(args["--path"]):
>>> n = 1 if args["--path"] is True else if args["--path"]
>>> for i in range(0, n)]:
>>> print("{}, {}".format(args["<old>"][i], args["<new>"][i]))
src1, dst1
src2, dst2
To add a multiple positional arguments, require path option and arguments to be in the correct order with parens "( )".
Usage: ./foo [(--path <src> <dst>)]... <arg>...
Attention: docopt doesn't raise a SystemExit
in case the user mixes up the syntax and inputs ./foo arg --path src dst
if you use options with multiple arguments like that. You will have to handle it yourself or add another (sub)command in front of it.
Usage: ./foo [(--path <src> <dst>)]... bar <arg>...