I am trying to define a function (congruentialMethod
) in Idris that amongst others applies modulus arithmetic on some of the arguments provided to my function. Modulus arithmetic requires that the second argument to be non-zero, so I have attempted to utilize modNatNZ
and add a proof to my function type signature. However, I feel my attempt comes about very clunky.
First of all, when I define the value that ends up being the second arg to the modulus function (let m : Nat = 2147483647
), -I have to perform some clunky case matching to convince Idris that the value is bigger than zero. If I don't do this then type checking takes forever.
Second, I don't really understand why I have to provide a proof when I call my function (congruentialMethod
). I specified the proof as auto
in the function signature thinking Idris would be able to infer it.
module Random
%default total
getUnixEpoch : IO Nat
getUnixEpoch = do time <- foreign FFI_C "#(unsigned long)time(NULL)" (IO Int)
pure $ fromInteger $ cast time
congruentialMethod : (seed : Nat) -> (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> {auto prf : (m = Z) -> Void} -> Stream Double
congruentialMethod seed a b m {prf} =
(cast seed) / (cast m) :: loop seed
loop : (prev : Nat) -> Stream Double
loop prev = let n = modNatNZ (a * prev + b) m prf
in (cast n) / (cast m) :: loop n
main : IO ()
main = do time <- getUnixEpoch
putStrLn $ "seed: " ++ (cast time)
let a : Nat = 16807
let b : Nat = 0
let m : Nat = 2147483647
case m of
Z => ?shouldnt_happen
S m' => do let random_number_stream = congruentialMethod time a b (S m') {prf = SIsNotZ}
Can I somehow avoid passing a proof to my congruentialMethod
function? and is there a less clunky way to convince Idris that let m : Nat = 2147483647
is bigger than zero (rather than using a case match)?
EDIT: Another problem with this code seems to be that performing calculations with Nat
is extremely slow. Using Int
, mod
and changing the functions to being partial
makes it fast to generate numbers. Obviously being forced to defining functions as partial
sucks.. But perhaps this is material for another question....
Idris has a very hard time inferring Not
proofs, because they are functions, and Idris just doesn't try to infer functions, because functions are quite complicated. The standard library has already thought of your situtation. We have Prelude.Nat.IsSucc
data IsSucc : Nat -> Type where
ItIsSucc : IsSucc (S n)
This works with auto
, but the existing Nat
functions aren't compatible with it, so we use a bit of glue.
isSuccNotZero : IsSucc n -> Not (n = Z)
isSuccNotZero {n = S _} ItIsSucc Refl impossible
And that's it:
congruentialMethod : (seed : Nat) -> (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) ->
(m : Nat) -> {auto prf : IsSucc m} -> Stream Double
congruentialMethod seed a b m {prf} =
(cast seed / cast m) :: (congruentialMethod (modNatNZ (a * seed + b) m $ isSuccNotZero prf) a b m)
The usage site will now infer prf
. However, with a number that big, the compiler still chokes, as you've seen in your edit. It will eventually get it right, but that'll take a while. I don't have a solution for that.