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Capture the output of arules::inspect as data.frame

In "Zero frequent items" when using the eclat to mine frequent itemsets, the OP is interested in the groupings/clusterings based on how frequent they are ordered together. This grouping can be inspected by the arules::inspect function.

dataset <- read.transactions("8GbjnHK2.txt", sep = ";", rm.duplicates = TRUE)
f <- eclat(dataset, 
           parameter = list(
             supp = 0.001, 
             maxlen = 17, 
             tidLists = TRUE))
inspect(head(sort(f, by = "support"), 10))

The data set can be downloaded from

However, the output cannot be easily saved to another object as a data frame.

out <- inspect(f)

So how do we capture the output of inspect(f) for use as data frame?


  • We can use the methods labels to extract the associations/groupings and quality to extract the quality measures (support and count). We can then use cbind to store these into a data frame.

    out <- cbind(labels = labels(f), quality(f))
    #              labels  support count
    # 1 {3031093,3059242} 0.001010    16
    # 2 {3031096,3059242} 0.001073    17
    # 3 {3060614,3060615} 0.001010    16
    # 4 {3022540,3072091} 0.001010    16
    # 5 {3061698,3061700} 0.001073    17
    # 6 {3031087,3059242} 0.002778    44