Search code examples

How safe is this generated query from SQL injection?

I am trying to make a search bar which works with multiple words, but I am worried about SQL injection.

I am using node express with the npm mssql package.

Here's the code which gets the criteria, generates the SQL and runs it:

.get('/search/:criteria', function (req, res) {
    var criteria = req.params.criteria;
    var words = criteria.split(" ");

    var x = "" => x += `name like '%${word}%' and `);
    x = x.substring(0, x.length - 5); // Remove trailing 'and'

    var query = `SELECT * FROM table WHERE ${x}`

    new sql.ConnectionPool(db).connect().then(pool => {
        return pool.request().query(query)
    }).then(result => {


A search for something to search would result in this query:

SELECT * FROM table 
    name like '%something%'
    and name like '%to%'
    and name like '%search%'

I tried some SQL injections myself, but none of them seem to work.

Note: I am aware that we should always use inputs for this. It works fine for one word, but I don't know how to use inputs for many words. Ex:

new sql.ConnectionPool(db).connect().then(pool => {
        return pool.request()
        .input('input', '%'+criteria+'%')


  • The answer is: It's not safe. Your code does exactly nothing to make it safe, either. Don't build SQL by concatenating/interpolating user-supplied data into the statement.

    In addition, you don't do any escaping for LIKE itself, either, so that is just as unclean.

    If you need dynamic SQL, build a prepared SQL statement with the expected number of placeholders and then bind user-supplied values to those placeholders.

    router.get('/search/:criteria', (req, res) => {
        const ps = new sql.PreparedStatement();
        const sqlConditions = [];
        const escapedValues = {};
        // set up escaped values, safe SQL bits, PS parameters
        req.params.criteria.split(" ").forEach((v, i) => {
            const paramName = 'val' + i;
            escapedValues[paramName] = v.replace(/[\\%_]/g, '\\$&');
            sqlConditions.push(`name LIKE '%' + @${paramName} + '%' ESCAPE '\'`);
            ps.input(paramName, sql.VarChar);
        // build safe SQL string, prepare statement
        const sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE ' + sqlConditions.join(' AND '); 
        // connect, execute, return
        ps.execute(escapedValues).then(result => {

    (Disclaimer: code is untested, as I have no SQL Server available right now, but you get the idea.)