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UWPXamlHost control - UWP controls in desktop apps - Info and Status?

The most interesting announcement for me from the Microsoft Build 2018 developer conference was the demo showing the use of UWP controls in WPF and WinForms apps. (

Specifically they used a control named UWPXamlHost to achieve this functionality. So my questions would be:

Is this control already available as a preview somewhere and if not is there an expected time frame when it will be available? Will it be part of the UWP Community Toolkit?

Feel free to add any additional info you might have about this topic.


  • I expect it to be part of the Windows Community Toolkit, but I am not sure about the timeframe. As of May 2018 there has been no preview yet I am aware of, so I think we might have to wait for a while more. The only resource in the documentation is now this, which highlights the WebView control, which is now part of the toolkit as a hosted control.