I made a really simple linear problem for lp_solve
$ cat test.txt
max: 100X ;
X <= 0 ;
bin X ;
The right answer shall be that X has to be 0, as it is a binary variable and cannot be 1 due the restriction. However the result is:
$ lp_solve test.txt
Value of objective function: 100.00000000
Actual values of the variables:
X 1
What explains this behaviour? I am doing something wrong? This also happens when alike restrictions are present on larger problems.
Yes, when lp_solve
does its preprocessing, it is eliminating your constraint altogether. Then the fact that X
is binary kicks in and the Objective function is shown to be 100. (Incorrectly)
You can see that this is happening by running with the -stats
./lp_solve -stat test.lp
Constraints: 0
Variables : 1
Integers : 1
Semi-cont : 0
SOS : 0
Non-zeros : 0 density=nan%
The zero constraints and nan% density could be causing this unexpected behavior.
There a couple of workarounds for this.
If you eliminate the X bin;
constraint altogether, it will solve it correctly and give you an objective value of 0.
Another 'hack-like' fix is to add a dummy variable to your trivial constraint. Now the entire constraint gets recorded by lp_solve.
For example, try to change your test.lp
to be:
max: 100X ;
X + x_dummy <= 0 ;
bin X ;
Which now gives the proper:
Constraints: 1
Variables : 2
Integers : 1
Semi-cont : 0
SOS : 0
Non-zeros : 2 density=100.000000%
Hope that helps.