This is a question from aws educate. I have been thinking about this for a long time and I am not really getting anywhere.
You want to use a binary tree to encode infix arithmetic expressions on integers. Operations are addition and multiplication Draw a picture of what the tree looks like. Write a class definition. Write an evaluate() member function. How would you make your evaluate() iterative instead of recursive
If I could get an explanation that would be fine or some example too
Illustration - binary tree to encode infix arithmetic expressions on integers
As you can see, the leafs are the value (or literal) and the other nodes contain arithmetic operators (+, - , /, *)
Some Code - recusion
In Java, you could use the recursion to solve this problem (under the condition that the tree's height is not to big)
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// op1=(1 + 2)
Node op1 = new Node(1, "+", 2);
System.out.println("op1="+op1.evaluate()); // op1=3
// op2=(1 + 2) + 3
Node op2 = new Node(op1, "+", 3);
System.out.println("op2="+op2.evaluate()); // op2=6
// op3=(4 * 5)
Node op3 = new Node(4, "*", 5);
System.out.println("op3="+op3.evaluate()); // op3=20
// op4=((1+2)+3)*(4*5)
Node op4 = new Node(op2, "*", op3);
System.out.println("op4="+op4.evaluate()); // op4=120
class Node {
private Node left;
private Node right;
private String operatorOrLiteral;
public Node(String value){
this.operatorOrLiteral = value;
public Node(Node left, String operation, Node right){
this.operatorOrLiteral = operation;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
public Node(int literal1, String operation, int literal2){
this(new Node(Integer.toString(literal1)), operation, new Node(Integer.toString(literal2)));
public Node(Node left, String operation, int literal2) {
this(left, operation, new Node(Integer.toString(literal2)));
public Node(int literal1, String operation, Node right) {
this(new Node(Integer.toString(literal1)), operation, right);
public int evaluate(){
if(isLiteral()) {
return Integer.parseInt(operatorOrLiteral);
switch (operatorOrLiteral) {
case "*": return left.evaluate() * right.evaluate();
case "/": return left.evaluate() / right.evaluate();
case "-": return left.evaluate() - right.evaluate();
case "+": return left.evaluate() + right.evaluate();
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(operatorOrLiteral + " is not recognised");
private boolean isLiteral() {
return left == null && right == null;
public String toString() {
if(isLiteral()) {
return operatorOrLiteral;
return "(" + left.toString() + operatorOrLiteral + right.toString() + ")";
Some Code - iterative
Or as @David Sanders as mentioned, you can work with tree traversal.