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Python recursive object refrence in Tree datastructure

I am somehow new to python. I needed to use tree to store some data (file paths), The problem is when I generate the tree it seems that all objects after the root reference the same object, although step by step debugging showed the opposite. Here is my (minimized) code: first the node class:

class PathElement:  

  Element = ""
  IsStatic = True
  Children = []
  ChildrenCount = 0 

  def __init__(self, Element, IsStatic=True):
      self.Element = Element
      self.IsStatic = IsStatic
      if not IsStatic:
          self.Element = [] 

  def AddChild(self, Child):
      print(self, "    ", Child)
      self.ChildrenCount = len(self.Children)
      return Child

The Children is list of PathElement nodes. The code that build the tree:

def UnFoldAndCheck(self):
    Path = PathElement("root")
    Handler = Path
    Index = 0
    Count = len(self.Path)
    while Index < Count:

        element = self.Path[Index]

        if something:
            Child = None
            Child = PathElement(element)
            Handler = None #Those added to debug the problem
            Handler = Child
        elif other_thing:
            if condition:
                if some_large_condition:
                    ChildExec = None
                    ChildExec = PathElement(element, False)
                    for i in range(0, 5):
                        ChildExec.Element.append(self.Path[Index + i])
                    Handler = None
                    Handler = ChildExec
                    Index += 4
            elif another_condition:
                ChildOp = None
                ChildOp = PathElement(element, False)
                Handler = None
                Handler = ChildOp
            elif some_else_condition:
                 if condition:
                    ChildExec = None
                    ChildExec = PathElement(element, False)
                    for i in range(0, 3):
                        ChildExec.Element.append(self.Path[Index + i])
                    Handler = None
                    Handler = ChildExec
                    Index += 2

                elif different_condition:
                    ChildExec = None
                    ChildExec = PathElement(element, False)
                    for i in range(0, 3):
                        ChildExec.Element.append(self.Path[Index + i])
                    Handler = None
                    Handler = ChildExec
                    Index += 1
        Index += 1
    return Path

My problem is that after the tree is built when I use it it will have always same structure: root -> object with 3 exact nodes -> same object -> same object to infinity while the expected is: root -> object -> first children -> second children -> third children -> etc I'm sure the problem is related to how python handle object references but I can't see where the problem exactly. Any help?


I reproduced the problem with smaller code (same class PathElement):

from PathElement import PathElement
Path = PathElement("root")
Handler = Path
for i in range(1,6):
   Child = PathElement("child"+str(i))
   Handler = Child
Tree = Path
while True:
   if len(Tree.Children) > 0:
      Tree = Tree.Children[0]

This code will make infinite loop


  • I guess you come from Java or a similar language. It's important to stick with Python's conventions (Jakob Sachs gave you va link to the Style Guide for Python Code) because that makes your mistakes are easier to identify.

    Now, what's wrong here? When you wrote:

    class PathElement():  
      Children = []
      Element = ""
      IsStatic = True
      ChildrenCount = 0 

    You don't give the initial value of instance fields. You create an initialize class (static) fields. Hence, Children is a static field of the class PathElement. Here's a illustration of that:

    class A():
        i = []
    a = A()
    b = A()
    assert a.i == b.i == [1,2]

    What happens when you try to make read the leftmost part of the tree (child 0, child 0 of child 0, ...)?

    while True:
       if len(Tree.Children) > 0:
          Tree = Tree.Children[0]

    Just replace Tree.Children by what it is really: PathElement.Children, that is the static field Children of the class PathElement:

    while True:
       if len(PathElement.Children) > 0:
          Tree = PathElement.Children[0] # Tree has always the same value.

    Now, a example of what you can write:

    class PathElement:  
        def __init__(self, element):
            self.__element = element
            self.__children = []
        def add_child(self, child):
        def children(self):
            return list(self.__children)
        def element(self):
            return self.__element
    path = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
    root = PathElement("root")
    handler = root
    while path:
        child = PathElement(path.pop(0)) # you can put some conditions here, take more elements of path, ...
        handler = child
    def dfs(node):
        for c in node.children():
            yield c.element()
            yield from dfs(c)
    print (list(dfs(root)))
    # a b c d e f