I have two collections which have a relation to each other. One session can contain multiple students, which I want to retrieve via using populate(). These are the schema's:
const studentSchema = new Schema({
first_name: String,
last_name: String
const sessionSchema = new Schema({
course_code: String,
students: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Student' }]
const Session = mongoose.model('sessions', sessionSchema)
const Student = mongoose.model('students', studentSchema)
Whenever I use findOne() on session or student it gives the desired output. However when I use populate() like this, it gives me an error:
.findOne({'course_code': '5072NEAN6Y'})
.exec(function (err, ps){
The error: MissingSchemaError: Schema hasn't been registered for model "Student".
Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Apparently changing the parameter of populate() made it work:
.populate({path: 'students', model: Student})