From the Flink 1.5 release announcement, we know Flink now supports "broadcast state", and it was described that "broadcast state unblocks the implementation of the “dynamic patterns” feature for Flink’s CEP library.".
Does it means currently we can use "broadcast state" to implement the “dynamic patterns” without Flink CEP ? Also I have no idea what's the difference when implementing the “dynamic patterns” for Flink CEP with or without broadcast state? I would appreciate If someone can give an example with code to explain the difference.
Updating for testing broadcast data-stream by operator broadcast() with keyed-datastream
After testing in Flink 1.4.2, I found the broadcast datastream(by old operater broadcast()) can connect with keyed datastream, below is the test code, and we found all of the control stream events broadcast to all operator instance. So it seems the old broadcast() can achieve the same functionality as new "broadcast state" .
public static void ConnectBroadToKeyedStream() throws Exception {
StreamExecutionEnvironment env =
controlData = new ArrayList<Tuple1<String>>();
controlData.add(new Tuple1<String>("DROP"));
controlData.add(new Tuple1<String>("IGNORE"));
DataStream<Tuple1<String>> control = env.fromCollection(controlData);//.keyBy(0);
dataStreamData = new ArrayList<Tuple1<String>>();
dataStreamData.add(new Tuple1<String>("data"));
dataStreamData.add(new Tuple1<String>("DROP"));
dataStreamData.add(new Tuple1<String>("artisans"));
dataStreamData.add(new Tuple1<String>("IGNORE"));
dataStreamData.add(new Tuple1<String>("IGNORE"));
dataStreamData.add(new Tuple1<String>("IGNORE"));
dataStreamData.add(new Tuple1<String>("IGNORE"));
// DataStream<String> data2 = env.fromElements("data", "DROP", "artisans", "IGNORE");
DataStream<Tuple1<String>> keyedDataStream = env.fromCollection(dataStreamData).keyBy(0);
DataStream<String> result = control
.flatMap(new MyCoFlatMap());
private static final class MyCoFlatMap
implements CoFlatMapFunction<Tuple1<String>, Tuple1<String>, String> {
HashSet blacklist = new HashSet();
public void flatMap1(Tuple1<String> control_value, Collector<String> out) {
out.collect("listed " + control_value);
public void flatMap2(Tuple1<String> data_value, Collector<String> out) {
if (blacklist.contains(data_value)) {
out.collect("skipped " + data_value);
} else {
out.collect("passed " + data_value);
Below is the test result.
1> passed (data)
1> passed (DROP)
3> passed (artisans)
3> passed (IGNORE)
3> passed (IGNORE)
3> passed (IGNORE)
3> passed (IGNORE)
3> listed (DROP)
3> listed (IGNORE)
1> listed (DROP)
1> listed (IGNORE)
2> listed (DROP)
2> listed (IGNORE)
Without broadcast state, two Flink data streams can not be processed together in a stateful way unless they are keyed in exactly the same way. A broadcast stream can be connected to a keyed stream, but if you then try to use keyed state in a RichCoFlatMap, for example, that will fail.
What is frequently desired is to be able to have one stream with dynamic "rules" that are to be applied to every event on another stream, regardless of key. There needed to be a new kind of managed Flink state in which these rules could be stored. With broadcast state this can now be done in a straightforward way.
With this feature now in place, work on support for dynamic patterns in CEP can begin.