I used bulkActions
props for Admin-on-rest List but don't show anything when I select rows. How to can I use the bulk action?
const AccountingBulkActions = props => (
<BulkActions {...props}>
<BulkDeleteAction />
export const AccountingList = (props) => (
bulkActions={<AccountingBulkActions />}
headerOptions={{ adjustForCheckbox: true, displaySelectAll: true }}
bodyOptions={{ displayRowCheckbox: true }}
rowOptions={{ selectable: true }}
options={{ multiSelectable: true }}>
<DateField source="createdAt" />
<TypeLabel source="type" />
<GenderLabel source="gender" />
<NumberField source="paymentPrice" />
<NumberField source="totalPrice" />
Bulk actions are a new feature only available on react-admin. You'll have to upgrade your admin-in-rest app.