I'm dealing with a pretty huge repository (i.e., ~16M statements). I'm trying to get a list of all distinct class membership patterns in my graph. Here is the query:
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
select distinct (group_concat(?t) as ?fo)
where {
?s rdf:type ?t.
group by (?s)
order by ?fo
Of course such a query does have to return results. Strangely enough, sometimes I get the result that I need, sometimes the query returns no results.
Why is that happening and how can I avoid that?
PS: Monitoring the query, I noticed that when I have no data, the query status stays stuck on:
0 operations
until the conclusion.
Here is the main log describing the problem. The output in the workbench of GraphDB is:
No results. Query took 1m 53s, minutes ago.
No mention of errors. Quite strange. As Gilles-Antoine Nys pointed out, it is a problem with memory and Java's GC. Overall, I think that the workbench should explicitly show an error message in such cases.
As the other comments already have suggested the error is caused by OME. In the next upcoming GraphDB 8.6 release, the developers made a much more memory efficient implementation of all aggregates and distinct. Until its public release, there are only few options to test:
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> select ?s_local (group_concat(?t_local) as ?fo) where { ?s rdf:type ?t. BIND (REPLACE(STR(?t), "^(.*)(/|#)([^#/]*)$", "$3") as ?t_local) BIND (REPLACE(STR(?s), "^(.*)(/|#)([^#/]*)$", "$3") as ?s_local) } group by (?s_local) order by (?fo)
Increase the available RAM for performing all aggregate calculations. You can increase it by either passing a higher value of the -Xmx
parameter or setting a minimal number for graphdb.page.cache.size
in graphdb.properties like: graphdb.page.cache.size=100M
. The cache controls the number of stored in memory pages, which for your query and repository size won't make much of a difference.
Limit the the maximum length of the group concat string with -Dgraphdb.engine.function.concat.max-length=4096
. The limit won't make the query to execute successfully, but it will indicate, whether the problem is too many subjects too long strings.