I try to run this code
import pyqrcode
from qrtools import qrtools
from PIL import Image
import zbar
qr = pyqrcode.create("She got two litle horns and they get me a litle bit")
qr.png("horn.png", scale=6)
qr = qrtools.QR()
scanner = zbar.Scanner()
And it says to me
AttributeError: module 'zbar' has no attribute 'ImageScanner'
Im running the latest ubuntu x64 and have all dependencies installed mayby is because im trying on python3
Apparently you have to use python2 and install zbar with ubuntu package manager
sudo apt-get install python-zbar
I tested it on my Ubuntu 17.10 machine and it worked with python2. Python3 doesn't seem to work though, see here, they have the same issue: Can't install zbar
Make sure you are running the right python version by typing this in the terminal:
python --version
It has to say: Python 2.7.X where X is 14 on my machine