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Modify vim-fugitive Gstatus mapping

The :Gstatus window has specific mappings for that particular buffer. In my case, I would like to change the cc mapping to not only execute :Gcommit but also go into insert mode afterwards.

It seems like the user robodendron figured out how to do this as shown in, but I'm don't know what he means when he says "changing the order should be enough." Also, I would ask this on the Git issues page, but it seems like the user NicolasWebDev already tried that and no one got back to him.

I can add mappings by creating a after/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim file, but modifying an existing mapping seems to be more difficult since the mapping is defined after the filetype is set.

Also, I could modify the source code mappings, but we all know that's more of a temporary fix.


  • I am not sure about trying to alter :Gstatus mappings, but you can start insert mode when entering the commit buffer.

    Add the following to your vimrc file:

    augroup turbo_commit
      autocmd BufEnter COMMIT_EDITMSG startinsert
    augroup END

    For more help see:

    :h :autocmd
    :h :augroup
    :h BufEnter
    :h startinsert