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Error Serialization

Why do I can't access all the properties inside of "data" struct by doing this way? Otherwise, I don't know how to parse all the data inside of "Data" array.

This is how I'm trying to serialize:

import Foundation
import Alamofire

struct Description: Decodable {
    let _data: [data]
struct data: Decodable {
    let id:Int?
    let descricao:String?
    let urlImagem:String?
func callApi() {

    guard let _url = URL(string: "")else{return}
    Alamofire.request(_url).responseJSON { (response) in

        guard let _data = else{return}
        //let dataString = String(data: _data, encoding: .utf8)

            let dataParsed = try JSONDecoder().decode([Description].self, from: _data)

            print("Error serialization")}


I'm getting the error:

Error serialization: typeMismatch(Swift.Array<Any>, Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "Expected to decode Array<Any> but found a dictionary instead.", underlyingError: nil))

The JSON model that I'm following:

            "descricao":"Filmes e Séries",
            "descricao":"Móveis e Decorações",
            "descricao":"Moda, Beleza e Perfumaria",


  • First, the error indicates that you only have one Description in the JSON but your code is attempting to get an array.

    You need to change:

    let dataParsed = try JSONDecoder().decode([Description].self, from: _data)


    let dataParsed = try JSONDecoder().decode(Description.self, from: _data)

    Now you need to iterate the array of data.

    This means you need code similar to:

    for aData in dataParsed._data {

    FYI - class, struct, and enum names should start with uppercase letters. Functions, variables, and case names should start with lowercase letters.

    Also avoid using _ in variable names.