I want to join 3 tables and get the results of them without any duplicates
SELECT * FROM `database`.project
INNER JOIN post on project.id = post.project_id
INNER JOIN media on media.post_id = post.id
Current output
I was wondering if the output could be something like
fasion + technolgie
I tried using the distinct function. but then it only returns the names's i would like to return the joined tables, because i still want to use that data.
I am using the Project.with_media() all
from app import db
from peewee import *
import datetime
class Project(Model):
name = CharField(unique=True)
content = CharField()
created_date = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.today())
class Meta(object):
"""Select database."""
database = db
def get_project_media(self):
"""Grab image from get_posts."""
post = Post.select().where(Post.project_id == self).get()
return Media.select().where(Media.post_id == post).get().media
def check_media(self):
"""Check if project has media."""
post = Post.select().where(Post.project_id == self).get()
Media.select().where(Media.post_id == post.id).get()
return True
except DoesNotExist:
return False
This is my calling so i can display it on jinja engine
def with_media():
"""Grab image from get_posts."""
return (Project.select(Project, Post, Media)
.where(Post.id == Media.post_id
Project.id == Post.project_id))
def posts(self):
"""Return all posts that are accosicated with this project."""
return Post.select().where(Post.project_id == self)
def media_post(self):
"""Return all posts that are accosicated with this project."""
post = Post.select().where(Post.project_id == self)
return post.get_media()
# return Media.select().where(Media.post_id == post).get()
class Post(Model):
"""Model for posts."""
project = ForeignKeyField(Project, backref='Post', null=True, default=None)
name = CharField()
content = TextField()
"Media Model"
"Category Model"
"Project Model"
created_date = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.today())
class Meta(object):
"""Select database."""
database = db
def get_category(self):
"""Grab all the posts from project."""
return (Category.select()
.where(Category.post_id == self))
def get_media(self):
"""Grab all media from this post."""
return (Media.select()
.where(Media.post_id == self))
def standalone():
"""Return a model of all posts not bound to a project."""
return (Post.select()
def date():
"""Return dates order_by."""
class Media(Model):
"""Media for post."""
post = ForeignKeyField(Post, backref='Media')
media = CharField()
class Meta(object):
"""Select database."""
database = db
class Category(Model):
"""model for all avaible category's."""
post = ForeignKeyField(Post, backref='Category')
name = CharField()
class Meta(object):
"""Select database."""
database = db
def get_name():
"""Get all category's without overlaping."""
categorys = Category.select()
categoryList = []
for category in categorys:
categoryName = category.name.title()
if categoryName not in categoryList:
return categoryList
def initialize():
"""Create tables."""
db.create_tables([Category, Project, Post, Media], safe=True)
I want to call the projects with media() function so i can use the database items to call images and display content
<ul class='projects'>
{% for project in projects.with_media() %}
{% if loop.index <= 3 %}
<li class='project_w'>
<img src="{{project.media_post()}}" alt="">
<a href="{{url_for('project', id=project.id)}}">
{% else %}
<li class='project_h'>
<img src="{{project.post.media.media}}" alt="">
<a href="{{url_for('project', id=project.id)}}">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The problem:
.where(Post.id == Media.post_id
Project.id == Post.project_id))
Instead of "and" you must use "&". Please see http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/query_operators.html