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ngrx store selector triggers effect request without action

Using Angular 6 and NGRX.

I use a store selector in the effect to get data for the request. After the first time I call the action SignalAction.LOAD_SIGNAL if at any point after that there is a store change that cause the selector getRequestParams to update. A request is triggered without the action being fired.

Is there a different way I should be handling this? I only want the observable stream to run through fully on an action.

I've tried take(1) after the store selector but then the request only works once.

export class SignalEffect {

        private _signalService: SignalService,
        private _actions$: Actions,
        private _store$: Store<IStore>,
    ) {}

    public fetchSignal(): Observable<IAction<SignalModel[] | HttpErrorResponse>> {
        return this._actions$
                switchMap((action: IAction<void>) => this._store$.select(getRequestParams)),
                switchMap((requestParams: RequestParamsModel) => {
                    return this._signalService.getSignal(requestParams)
                            map((responseModel: SignalResponseModel | HttpErrorResponse) => {
                                if (responseModel instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
                                    return ErrorsAction.requestFailure(responseModel);

                                return SignalAction.loadSignalSuccess(responseModel.results);



  • Try moving your first .pipe to before ofType.

    public fetchSignal(): Observable<IAction<SignalModel[] | HttpErrorResponse>> {
      return this._actions$
          switchMap(([action, requestParams: RequestParamsModel]) => {
            return this._signalService.getSignal(requestParams)
                map((responseModel: SignalResponseModel | HttpErrorResponse) => {
                  if (responseModel instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
                    return ErrorsAction.requestFailure(responseModel);
                  return SignalAction.loadSignalSuccess(responseModel.results);