Passing my search text as:
(Email: /.*jackson.*/)&(Postcode: /.*jackson.*/)&(FirstName: /.*jackson.*/)&(LastName: /.*jackson.*/)&(City: /.*jackson.*/)&(Answers: /.*jackson.*/)
and my Search Parameters as:
$count=true&$filter=Status%20ne%20'i'&$orderby=SubmittedDate desc&queryType=full&searchMode=all&$skip=0&$top=10
I get results using Search Explorer on Azure Portal. But using .NET SDK and passing the same values, it's not returning any row. Is there a way to get the query that is being sent to Azure Search? Also, to use multiple Lucene query fields, the '&' is the right operator?
I'd recommend using Fiddler to see both the request sent by the SDK as well as the raw response.
To the Lucene syntax, you can scope to multiple fields by just separating the terms by a space. For example, Email: /.*jackson.*/ Postcode: /.*jackson.*/
should work. You can add logical operators as needed, but should not be required.
Hope this helps.