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Customizing item-text in v-select

Please tell me if we can customize item-text for v-select ?

I want customize each item in v-select, something like this :

:item-text=" - item.description"


  • Yes you can, using scoped slot as described in the doc and provide a template.

    For v-select you have two scoped slot :

    • selection : to describe how v-select should render items when selected
    • item : to describe how v-select should render items when opened

    It looks like this :

    <v-select> // Don't forget your props
      <template slot="selection" slot-scope="data">
        <!-- HTML that describe how select should render selected items -->
        {{ }} - {{ data.item.description }}
      <template slot="item" slot-scope="data">
        <!-- HTML that describe how select should render items when the select is open -->
        {{ }} - {{ data.item.description }}

    CodePen with a complex example

    Vuetify Doc about Scoped Slot in V-Select

    Edit for Vuetify 1.1.0+ : Those slots are also available with new components v-autocomplete and v-combobox as they inherit from v-select.

    Edit for Vue 2.6+, replace :

    • slot="selection" slot-scope="data" by v-slot:selection="data"
    • slot="item" slot-scope="data" by v-slot:item="data"