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Cheerio - indent newly inserted element under sibling?

I am using cheerio to mutate a xml file in node. I am inserting the node/element <target> after <source> which works with the insertAfter() api in oldEl.translation.insertAfter(msgSourceEl);.

However, I loose my indention:

  <trans-unit id="title" datatype="html">
    <source>Login</source><target>iniciar sesión</target>

Is it possible, or is there a way, to indent the newly inserted <target>iniciar sesión</target> underneath the <source> element?


  • Just fix the final XML indentation :

    It is possible to use xml-beautifier to achieve the human-readable indented XML

    import beautify from 'xml-beautifier';
    const HumanXML = beautify(XML);
    console.log(HumanXML); // => will output correctly indented elements

    (EXTRA) No need for Cheerio :

    In the following example we will be using xml2js to manipulate the XML as a JSON and then build it back to the original XML format

    var xml2js = require('xml2js');
    var xml = "<trans-unit id=\"title\" datatype=\"html\"><source>Login</source></trans-unit>"
    xml2js.parseString(xml, function (err, result) {
        result["trans-unit"].target=["iniciar sessión"]
        var builder = new xml2js.Builder();
        var xml = builder.buildObject(result);

    Final Output :

    <trans-unit id="title" datatype="html">
      <target>iniciar sessión</target>

    I am sure you are doing this as part of a loop, so it shouldn't be hard to extrapolate the example to make it work . I suggest using underscore for the usual (each, map, reduce, filter...)