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Simple string return function with default param passed as NULL, returns NULL instead of string

I have the following function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_string(cmd_type text, udf_name text, 
group_name character varying DEFAULT 'usage'::character varying)
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
 AS $function$ 
 return 'This is the string: '''|| group_name ||''''::text;

When i call it like this:

select public.get_string('test', 'myudf!', group_name=>null::character varying); 

It returns NULL.

I expect it to at least return:

This is the string: ''

However, when I call it like this:

select public.get_string('test', 'myudf!');

The I get the expected:

This is the string: 'usage'

Why does passing NULL to an optional parameter make the entire string NULL?


  • It is not mystic - any operation over NULL value is NULL again.

    postgres=# select ('Hello' || null) is null ;
    │ ?column? │
    │ t        │
    (1 row)

    You should to use a coalesce function and sanitize expression against NULL value.

    postgres=# select ('Hello' || coalesce(null,'')) ;
    │ ?column? │
    │ Hello    │
    (1 row)

    Maybe you know a Oracle database, where NULL and empty strings are equal. But it is true only for Oracle, elsewhere NULL is NULL and it is more aggressive.