I have two collections: Users and Books. I need to get the results of both of them whether Users OR Books is updated and then merge the results together into a LinkedHashMap to use as a listView menu.
I thought a MediatorLiveData would be the way to go, but if I put the query of Users and the Query of Books in then I get null from one of the two LiveData objects because only one or the other fires. I thought maybe if one of them fires, then perhaps I have a query run inside each addSource() in the MediatorLiveData, but I'm not sure if that's the way to go.
My post regarding the MediatorLiveData is here: Using MediatorLiveData to merge to LiveData (Firestore) QuerySnapshot streams is producing weird results
My two queries and LiveData objects are as follows:
//getUsers query using FirebaseQueryLiveData class
private Query getUsersQuery() {
FirebaseAuth mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
adminID = mAuth.getUid();
query = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().collection("admins")
return query;
private FirebaseQueryLiveData usersLiveData = new FirebaseQueryLiveData(getUsersQuery());
//getBooks query using FirebaseQueryLiveData class
private Query getBooksQuery () {
FirebaseGroupID firebaseGroupID = new FirebaseGroupID(getApplication());
groupID = firebaseGroupID.getGroupID();
query = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().collection("books")
.whereEqualTo("groupID", groupID)
return query;
private FirebaseQueryLiveData booksLiveData = new FirebaseQueryLiveData(getBooksQuery());
Somehow when Users updates, I need to get the data of Books as well and then merge them, but I also need this to happen if Books updates and then get the data of Users and merge them.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Additional Note/Observation Okay, so I'm not completely ruling out a MediatorLiveData object. Certainly it allows me the listening of two different LiveData objects within the same method, however, I don't want to merge the two of them directly because I need to act on each liveData object individually. So as an example: usersLiveData fires because we create or modify a user, then I need to query books, get the results and merge users and books etc.
Below is my MediatorLiveData as it currently stands:
//MediatorLiveData merge two LiveData QuerySnapshot streams
private MediatorLiveData<QuerySnapshot> usersBooksLiveDataMerger() {
final MediatorLiveData<QuerySnapshot> mediatorLiveData = new MediatorLiveData<>();
mediatorLiveData.addSource(usersLiveData, new Observer<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
mediatorLiveData.addSource(booksLiveData, new Observer<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
return mediatorLiveData;
Right now it's returning null results of the other LiveData source. Instead I need to query then merge. Any ideas on how to do this? There isn't much out there on this very thing.
I tried putting a query inside a Function that is called using a Transformations.map() but because of it be an asynchronous call, the return statement is being called before the query finishes.
Here's my attempt at the Function:
private class ListenUsersGetBooks implements Function<QuerySnapshot, LinkedHashMap<User, List<Book>>> {
public LinkedHashMap<User, List<Book>> apply(final QuerySnapshot input) {
userBookList = new LinkedHashMap<>();
getBooksQuery().get().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<QuerySnapshot> task) {
List<User> users = input.toObjects(User.class);
List<Book> books = task.getResult().toObjects(Book.class);
Log.d(TAG, "USERLIST! " + users);
Log.d(TAG, "BOOKLIST! " + books);
for (User user : users) {
bookList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Book book : books) {
if (user.getUserID().equals(book.getUserID())
&& book.getBookAssigned()) {
else if (user.getAllBookID().equals(book.getBookID())) {
userBookList.put(user, bookList);
Log.d(TAG,"OBSERVE userBookList: " + userBookList);
return userBookList;
Here's a simple version of what you could do, I hope it makes sense.
You're close with the MediatorLiveData
. Instead of MediatorLiveData<QuerySnapshot>
you probably want to use a custom object like this:
class MyResult {
public QuerySnapshot usersSnapshot;
public QuerySnapshot booksSnapshot;
public MyResult() {}
boolean isComplete() {
return (usersSnapshot != null && booksSnapshot != null);
Then in your observers, do something like this:
private MediatorLiveData<MyResult> usersBooksLiveDataMerger() {
final MediatorLiveData<MyResult> mediatorLiveData = new MediatorLiveData<>();
mediatorLiveData.addSource(usersLiveData, new Observer<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
MyResult current = mediatorLiveData.getValue();
current.usersSnapshot = querySnapshot;
mediatorLiveData.addSource(booksLiveData, new Observer<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
MyResult current = mediatorLiveData.getValue();
current.booksSnapshot = querySnapshot;
return mediatorLiveData;
Then when you observe the combined live data:
usersBooksLiveDataMerger().observe(new Observer<MyResult>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable MyResult result) {
if (result == null || !result.isComplete()) {
// Ignore, this means only one of the queries has fininshed
// If you get to here, you know all the queries are ready!
// ...