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WSO2 Governance Registry - Solr index problems

We're having some problems about the assets in Publisher/Store in WSO2 using MySQL. We load our database of assets into WSO2 but not all of the assets show up in the store or publisher when queried. This also occuries when we try to get the assets using API.

But the missing assets can be found by:

  • Calling the database directly
  • looking them up in carbon
  • using the store or publisher url with the asset id
  • the governance rest api through id only

Using WSO2 database default (H2), this issue didn't happened.

After some research about this issue, we have found some solutions like "deleting solr and update registry.xml" to reindex all the assets that are missing but without success.

This question represents a lot of our issues with missing assets.

WSO2 Governance Not Finding All Assets in JDBC Database

If someone went through this, any help would be appreciated.


  • Thanks to all replies. We returned the database to H2 and the problem was solved. I don't know what happened to our MySQL Database, maybe was a tuning problem to sync with solr. We're gonna investigate this soon.

    Sorry to late answer and thanks to all.