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Roles - Identity Server 4

I have a project done with Asp.Net Core 2.0 API, Identity Server and WPF app. I am able to access the API from WPF after I login in.

Now I am trying to implement roles so I can be able to authorize just certain users to access the API.

In Config.cs I am declaring my Client and add to the scope :

  new Client
             AllowedScopes =

Declaring TestUser:

  return new List<TestUser>
            new TestUser
                SubjectId = "", Username = "", Password = "",
                Claims = new List<Claim>
                    new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, ""),
                    new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.EmailVerified, "true", ClaimValueTypes.Boolean),
                    new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Admin"),
                    new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Scope, "openid offline_access fiver_auth_api")

And in the controller I am using :

[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]

Why I don`t get the user claims in the token?


  • For who is interested there is how I fixed it: In your configuration file add a list for your roles:

    new ApiResource
        new List<string> {"role"} <--- Add this line to your API