I have .ini file that contains a file version (like X.X.X.X).
So, I used ReadINIStr
to get the version in 'var' format.
ReadINIStr $0 "C:\Users\a\Downloads\Info.ini" "Version" "VersionNumber"
StrCpy $varVersion $0
The above code results in the value of 'varVersion' being stored in the Version in the ini file.
So far, the values I want are well stored.
However, the value to be used for VIProductVersion must be a value using !define
other than !define
?!define /file
command. However it is my intent to read only the entry value of the ini file.VIProductVersion
is an attribute stored in your installer .exe and can only be set at compile-time by makensis.
You can use any of the pre-processor instructions like !define
and !searchparse
to read/store the version but there is no instruction you can use to read .ini files. !searchparse
can be used in a pinch if the .ini value name is only used once in the entire file because it does not understand .ini sections.