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Timer in Guizero/ TKinter

Right now I am busy with making a GUI for my project. It also needs a test driven by time. However when I press the start button, the counter starts counting but the Gui freezes, so you cannot press the stop button. And eventually the Program stall and shut his self down.

Take a look at my code :

###import libaries ###
from guizero import *
import tkinter as tk
import time

timeLoop = False

Sec = 0
Min = 0
Hour = 0
test_stat = 0

###Define Loops###
def verlaat_settings():

def stop_test():
   info("test_result","Test stopped at" + str(Hour) + " Hour " + str(Min) + " Mins " + str(Sec) + " Sec ")
   text_test.value = "Test Stopped..."
   timeLoop: False

def test_loopt():
   global Sec
   global Min
   text_test.value = "Test is running....."
   timeLoop = True
   while timeLoop:
      Sec +=1
      print(str(Min) + " Mins " + str(Sec) + " Sec ")
      if Sec == 60:
         Sec = 0
         Min += 1
app= App(title="Profiberry",layout="",width=480, height=272)
window3 = Window(app,title="Profiberry-Tester", layout="grid",width=480, height=272)

welkom_tester= Text(window3, text="Profibus Tester",grid=[2,0,1,1])
Plaatje_profi= Picture(window3,image="logoprofi.gif",grid=[2,1,1,1])
lege_ruimte1 = Text(window3, text="", grid=[2,2,1,1])
text_test= Text(window3,text="  Waiting for input..... ",grid=[2,3,1,1])
timer_test= Text(window3,text=(""),grid=[2,4,1,1] )
lege_ruimte2 = Text(window3, text="", grid=[2,5,1,1])
lege_ruimte2 = Text(window3, text="", grid=[1,6])
Start_knop= PushButton(window3,text="Start",command=test_loopt,padx=50, pady=10, grid=[1,6] )"white",background="green")
Stop_knop= PushButton(window3,text="Stop",command=stop_test,padx=50,pady=10,grid=[3,6])"white",background="red")
Exit_setting = PushButton(window3,command=verlaat_settings,text="Exit to Main Menu(F2)",padx=30,pady=10,grid=[2,6])

I will talk you trough this part of my program:

  • Import the libraries used for this purpose.
  • Give timeLoop, our while variable, a false state.
  • Give our variables value.
  • Below that are our Def loops verlaat_settings is used to move trough windows in the GUI Stop_test is used to preform actions when stop is pressed (also to reset the while state) test_loopt is the actual test, the counter has to run by here what it does in the shell.
  • Below that we open the window and place the widgets.


  • so after searching for a while I found a page on here with someone on python 2.7 having the exact same problem.

    the solution to this is that everything runs in the main loop and the main loop waits for ever on this test_loopt the solution was making a Thread, which in my case was :

    def test_loopt():
       global Sec
       global Min
       text_test.value = "Test is running....."
       timeLoop = True
       while timeLoop:
          Sec +=1
          print(str(Min) + " Mins " + str(Sec) + " Sec ")
          if Sec == 60:
             Sec = 0
             Min += 1
          if Min == 60:
             Sec = 0
             Min = 0
             Hour = 1
       if stop_test():
          timeLoop = False
    def start_test_loopt_thread():
       global test_loopt_thread
       test_loopt_thread = threading.Thread(target=test_loopt)
       test_loopt_thread.deamon = True