In React Native, I have a button group that I want controlling some tabs using Tab Navigation.
The tab pages all have tabBarVisible: false
and I want to move to the correct tab page by calling navigate('screen1')
etc. But inside my updateTab
called from the button group's onpress
I cannot access the navigation.navigate
What can I do?
import { TabNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
const Tabpage = TabNavigator(
tab1: {
screen: screen1,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarVisible: false,
tabBarLabel: 'Screen 1'
}, ...
export default class Tab extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
tabIndex: 2
this.updateTabIndex = this.updateTabIndex.bind(this);
updateTabIndex = tabIndex => {
this.setState({ tabIndex });
switch (tabIndex) {
case 0:
console.log('nearby chosen');
// navigate('screen1'); // error: no function named navigate
// navigation.navigate('screen1'); // error: not a function
// this.navigate or this.navigation.navigate all fail too
case 1: // etc.
default: // etc.
render() {
<View style={styles.tabsview}>
onPress={ this.updateTabIndex }
buttons={['screen0', 'screen1', 'screen2']}
containerStyle={{ height: 30 }}
How do I access the navigation from the changed state tab index?
Use this.props.navigation.navigate('screen1');