I'm looking to write a single makefile that calls a target in it itself in all the subdirectories of the current directory. I've come up with this as a starting point:
SUBDIRS := $(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed -e 's/^/\"/;s/$$/\"/')
@for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \
($(MAKE) -f "../$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))" -C "$$d" gallery.html); \
echo "Making gallery\n";
I'm happy enough using GNU make extensions.
What you have there is essentially an obfuscated shell script -- you're not using any features of make itself.
Do your subdirectory names contain space characters? If so, then make
is perhaps simply not the right tool for the job: It really wants to work with space-separated lists of words, and has no concept of quoting that could help it deal with spaces in paths.
If the subdirectory names contain space characters, I would split things up into a separate shell script and makefile, like so:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | while read d; do
make -f `dirname $0`/Makefile -C "$d" gallery.html
echo "Making gallery\n";
(keeping in mind that, if there are more paths with spaces inside your subdirectories, make could still be a poor choice)
If the subdirectory names do not contain space characters, then things can be made much simpler, and you can also avoid the recursive make invocation (google "recursive make considered harmful" for reasons why):
SUBDIRS := $(wildcard */)
all: $(SUBDIRS:%=%/gallery.html)
cd $* && echo "Making gallery in `pwd`\n"