After searching various other questions in order attempt solving this on my own, I've gotten this far yet I cannot figure out how add an additional string.
// $url will actually be $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
$url = "/folder123/?id=foo"; // it could be "index.php?id=foo"
preg_replace_callback('#^/folder123/#', function($match) {
return $match[1];
}, $url);
Expected Result: ?id=foo
With my current code, I'll get the expected result; however I don't know how to also check for index.php. My intention is to have the string exclude these two parts.
To match them both you might use an alternation followed by \K
to reset the starting point of the reported match.
preg_replace_callback('#^(?:/folder123/|index\.php)\K.*$#', function($match) { return $match[0]; }, $url);