I have a problem with routing, since I created "BaseController". I use only 4 methods name GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, to make easiest calls from front-end. So, when I have this controller:
public class RouterController : WifiBaseController
UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
public List<RouterDTO> Get()
List<router> routerx = unitOfWork.RouterRepository.Get(r => r.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
List<RouterDTO> routerDTO = Mapper.Map<List<RouterDTO>>(routerx);
foreach (var router in routerDTO.Where(x => x.Password != ""))
router.Password = null;
return routerDTO;
public List<RouterDTO> Get(double latitude, double longitude)
List<RouterDTO> routersDTO = new List<RouterDTO>();
List<router> routers = new List<router>();
var myLocation = GPSCalculation.CreatePoint(latitude, longitude);
routers = unitOfWork.RouterRepository.Get(x => x.Location.Location.Distance(myLocation) < 2000 && x.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
Mapper.Map(routers, routersDTO);
foreach (var router in routersDTO.Where(x => x.Password != ""))
router.Password = "";
return routersDTO;
And I made this call:
The methods that will be called it's first ...Why?
If I comment the first method, the API returns:
405 Method Not Allowed (The requested resource does not support http method 'GET')
Based on your route attribute in the second method:
The correct call with this route looks like it should be: