i'm trying to test my rest api, however i've found a weird behaviour that if i create a get request right after the delete it will trigger a 304 and return the deleted object. I'm not quite sure why this is happening. if i wait a second with the get it will return a 200 code with where the object is deleted?
2018-05-24 20:38:26,881 - tornado.access - INFO - 200 DELETE
/api/v1/destinations/5b0706984db64f0b3ad92e13 ( 0.73ms
2018-05-24 20:38:26,929 - tornado.access - INFO - 304 GET
/api/v1/destinations ( 39.74ms
rest api
import tornado.web
import tornado.gen
class Handler(base.BaseHandler):
def _get_destination(self, destination_id):
destination = self.datastore.get_destination(destination_id)
if not destination:
return {'error': 'Destination not found: %s' % destination_id}
return destination
def _get_destinations(self):
destination = self.datastore.get_destinations()
return destination
def get_destinations(self):
return self._get_destinations()
def get_destinations_yield(self):
"""Wrapper for get_jobs in async mode."""
return_json = yield self.get_destinations()
def get(self):
def _delete_job(self, destination_id):
destination = self._get_destination(destination_id)
def delete_job(self, destination_id):
def delete_job_yield(self, destination_id):
yield self.delete_job(destination_id)
def delete(self, destination_id):
response = {
'destination': destination_id}
pymongo functions
def delete_destination(self, destination_id):
collection = self.get_collection(settings.DEST_COLLECTIONNAME)
collection.remove({"_id": ObjectId(destination_id)})
def get_destinations(self):
rows = self.get_collection(settings.DEST_COLLECTIONNAME).find({})
return_json = {
'destinations': [self._build_destination(row) for row in rows]}
return return_json
Your _delete_job was spun off to be run while Tornado returned the 200. The _delete_job itself hadn't finished by the time you tried to get the same thing several milliseconds later