I would like to use a custom Type of mine for a field in an EA managed entity.
I'm using SF Flex so my type is autowired and setup as service correctly (appears with debug:container
Now, I would expect to do something like below in easy_admin.yaml
class: Lch\MenuBundle\Entity\Menu
help: 'admin.site.menu.help'
controller: App\Controller\Admin\Site\MenuController
- title
- location
- title
- location
- { property: menuItems, type: 'lch_menu_tree' }
I found in documentation that you can't put anything in here but native Type or EA ones.
How can I setup EA to make it use my type for this particular field?
Use its fully qualified class name as expected for custom form type, e.g:
- { property: menuItems, type: 'App\Form\Type\LchMenuTree' }
You can use the short type name while it's a known type for EasyAdmin. The list of mapped types is here. Otherwise, you must to provide its FQCN as required by the Form component.