I have created below-mentioned procedure in Oracle. It compiles but gives a warning sayin "execution completed with warning"
create or replace
PROCEDURE check_upc
upc_id1 IN VARCHAR,
upc_id2 IN VARCHAR,
upc_id3 IN VARCHAR
insert into testing2 SELECT upc_id1,upc_id2 from dual;
But when i change the SQL statement to
insert into testing2 SELECT upc_id1,upc_id2,upc_id3 from dual;
It compiles without any warning.
Basically, I am supposed to run a long code (~100 line) for 10 combinations of UPCs (parameter in this procedure), for which I'll be replacing the above-mentioned SQL code with my actual code. But, it is failing for this basic insert statement.
Thanks in advance.
Always list the columns you are using for an update
create or replace procedure check_upc (
in_upc_id1 IN VARCHAR,
in_upc_id2 IN VARCHAR,
in_upc_id3 IN VARCHAR
) IS
insert into testing2 (id1, id2) -- or whatever the names are
select in_upc_id1, in_upc_id2
from dual;
looks strange. Oracle recommends varchar2
, list the column names.The warning is essentially saying: "This isn't going to work with the current table definition. But I'm accepting it because you might change the definition in the future and I really want to help you by not rejecting the stored procedure."