I have a qml file BackgrounPage.qml which is used as a background for all my qml pages in my application.
This background can be a gradient, a solid color or an image.
So I did:
property bool isGradient: false
property bool isSolid: true //by default
property bool isImage: false
//gradient background
visible: isGradient
...//create the rectangle
...//create gradient
//solid background
visible: isSolid
//create rectangle
color: ...
visible: isImage
source: ...
It works well but for performance, optimization, I wonder if a non visible item is computed or not by QML. If I create a solid background, I don't want the gradient and the image to be computed.
So my question is: are non visible item computed in QML?
What is "computed" for you?
Yes, the objects are created and are "alive" - so if there are any bindings that affect those Items, those will be evaluated.
Whether they will be rendered? No. When they are invisible, the engine prevents them from going to the GPU.
To validate that claim see this example:
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
visible: true
width: 600
height: 600
Rectangle {
width: 100
height: 100
color: 'green'
Timer {
running: true
interval: 1000
repeat: true
onTriggered: parent.visible = !parent.visible
The visiblity of the Rectangle
is toggled every second.
If you watch the output generated by setting the envrionment variable:
you will see, that this toggels the amount of rendered nodes between 0 and 1.
Rendering: -> Opaque: 0 nodes in 0 batches... -> Alpha: 0 nodes in 0 batches... -> times: build: 0, prepare(opaque/alpha): 0/0, sorting: 0, upload(opaque/alpha): 0/0, render: 0 Renderer::render() QSGAbstractRenderer(0x2341b258) "rebuild: full" Rendering: -> Opaque: 1 nodes in 1 batches... -> Alpha: 0 nodes in 0 batches... - 0x38589200 [ upload] [noclip] [opaque] [ merged] Nodes: 1 Vertices: 4 Indices: 6 root: 0x0 -> times: build: 0, prepare(opaque/alpha): 0/0, sorting: 0, upload(opaque/alpha): 0/0, render: 1 Renderer::render() QSGAbstractRenderer(0x2341b258) "rebuild: none"
The better solution however would be to have use a Loader
to load the right component:
Loader {
sourceComponent: (isGradient ? gradientComponent :
(isSolid ? solidComponent :
(isImage ? imageComponent : null)))
Component {
id: gradientComponent