I have this action,
def email_student_report
@current_year = Time.new.year
@past_year = @current_year - 1
Using this link to,
<%= link_to 'Email', samplecardreport_path(format: :pdf), :class => 'btn btn-warning termact_btns' %>
I calls this this action and generate a PDF document with wicked_pdf
def sample_card_report
@subjects = Subject.all
@properties = Property.first
@studentid = Student.where('studentid = ?', params[:email_search_stuent_id]).last!
#@studentid = Student.where('studentid = ?', 'EkGSS-181').last!
@studentresults = TermReport.where('studentid =? and term =? and form_class =? and year =?', params[:email_search_stuent_id], params[:term], params[:form_class], params[:year])
@totalstudent = TermReport.group('form_class, term, year, studentid').where('form_class =? and term =? and year =?', params:form_class],params[:term],params[:year],)
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf do
render pdf: 'student_report_card',
template: "term_reports/sample_card_report.pdf.erb"
Now my problem is the generated PDF document is blank. And debugging shows that the form params are not being passed so the query is fetching blank. How can I resolve this?
You will need to send the params manually from the link_to tag using the below mentioned:
<%= link_to 'Email', samplecardreport_path(format: :pdf, param1: value1, param2: value2), :class => 'btn btn-warning termact_btns' %>
In your case it would be these params
<%= link_to 'Email', samplecardreport_path(format: :pdf, email_search_stuent_id: value1, term: value2,form_class: value3, year: value4), :class => 'btn btn-warning termact_btns' %>
Also the syntax in this line is also not correct, it is missing [ in form class params
@totalstudent = TermReport.group('form_class, term, year, studentid').where('form_class =? and term =? and year =?', params:form_class],params[:term],params[:year],)
@totalstudent = TermReport.group('form_class, term, year, studentid').where('form_class = ? and term = ? and year = ?', params[:form_class],params[:term],params[:year],)