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Is it possible to configure the spring boot server explicitly?

I've a Spring Boot application where one of the dependencies is using spring and a embedded jetty to start an ad-hoc web server. This causes my spring boot app to start in a jetty instead of a tomcat.

My spring-boot-starter-web:


The dependencies pom:





Is there a possibility to configure the server to use by spring boot explicitly instead of being inferred by the dependency tree?


I investigated the issue a little bit further and created a repo to reproduce the issue:
org.eclipse.jetty.websocket:javax-websocket-server-impl causes spring to start with jetty without any other config required.


The issue is not present anymore in Spring Boot 2.x

EDIT 3 I'll deleted the repo mentioned earlier, but here is the dependency setup that caused the issue:



    <!-- Comment that in to start spring with jetty-->



  • Normally, if you have the spring-boot-starter-tomcat on your classpath (through spring-boot-starter-web), it should always select Tomcat since it has priority over other servlet containers. Even if you have the following dependencies, Spring boot will start with Tomcat:


    You can programmatically override the chosen servlet container by registering your own ServletWebServerFactory, for example:

    public ServletWebServerFactory factory() {
        return new TomcatServletWebServerFactory();

    You can choose the predefined TomcatServletWebServerFactory, JettyServletWebServerFactory or the UndertowServletWebServerFactory.