I have my firebase db like this
"students" : {
"-LDD0MIigieZQ3Fcaj1Z" : {
"ContactNo" : "0752155466",
"Email" : "sdsdsd@sdsd.com",
"FirstName" : "Ishana",
"Gender" : "Female",
"LastName" : "Dahanayake",
"Password" : "1234",
"score" : 6
"-LDD0ceFiy2RI1avfMWA" : {
"ContactNo" : "0752155466",
"Email" : "232323@sdsd.com",
"FirstName" : "Ruwan",
"Gender" : "Male",
"LastName" : "Perera",
"Password" : "1234",
"score" : 1
I need to sort these students by score
i tried like this
let ref = this.afDB.list('/students',ref=>ref.orderByChild('score')).snapshotChanges()
.map(changes =>{
return changes.map(c=> ({key:c.payload.key,...c.payload.val()}));
return ref;
but its not changing the order according to the score value.How can i sort these values?
If this code you wrote :
let ref = this.afDB.list('/students',ref=>ref.orderByChild('score')).snapshotChanges()
.map(changes =>{
return changes.map(c=> ({key:c.payload.key,...c.payload.val()}));
return ref;
returns you values you need to sort, i would just add return ref.sort();