I want to highlight the text when click on combobox. This is JQuery example http://jsfiddle.net/Ilmv/5zWad/
I would like to do the same on my combobox, but it is not working. Oracle jet expands their components at run time to add their own classes. So, I am confused on which id or class I need to apply.
This is my editable combobox.
<input id="combobox" class="seriescombobox" list="series"
rootAttributes: {style:'min-width:32em'}}"/>
<datalist id="series">
<!-- ko foreach: serieses -->
<option data-bind ="value:value,text:label">
<!-- /ko -->
This is the JQuery code I am using to highlight the text.
I tried with all possible ids and classes but no luck. Please help. Thanks.
This worked finally.
This will make text to highlight when click on the combobox.
Once you mouse up focus will gone. Below line is to keep the text highlight.
$(".oj-combobox-input").attr('onmouseup','return false');