This is an application specific problem. I am trying to find and select a tab in depending on contents within. Here is what I'm doing:
tell application "Terminal"
set foundTabs to (every tab of every window) whose contents contains "selectme"
repeat with possibleTab in foundTabs
set selected of possibleTab to true
end try
end repeat
end tell
This isn't acting as expected and is pretty foolproof. I wonder if someone can suggest a way to do this with much less code (for instance, the looping shouldn't really be necessary, but applescript is an elusive language).
Thing is, the following Applescript will do what you want, but unless your "selectme" string is very unique, you will find it in many tabs. But anyway, here you go:
tell application "Terminal"
set allWindows to number of windows
repeat with i from 1 to allWindows
set allTabs to number of tabs of window i
repeat with j from 1 to allTabs
if contents of tab j of window i contains "selectme" then
set frontmost of window i to true
set selected of tab j of window i to true
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell