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F# - Write Deedle FrameData To CSV

I need to write a Deedle FrameData (including "ID" column and additional "Delta" column with blank entries) to CSV. While I can generate a 2D array of the FrameData, I am unable to write it correctly to a CSV file.

module SOQN = 

    open System
    open Deedle
    open FSharp.Data

    //  TestInput.csv
    //  ID,Alpha,Beta,Gamma
    //  1,no,1,hi
    //  ...

    //  TestOutput.csv
    //  ID,Alpha,Beta,Gamma,Delta
    //  1,"no","1","hi",""
    //  ...

    let inputCsv = @"D:\TestInput.csv"
    let outputCsv = @"D:\TestOutput.csv"
    let (df:Frame<obj,string>) = Frame.ReadCsv(inputCsv, hasHeaders=true, inferTypes=false, separators=",", indexCol="ID")

    // See
    let data4Frame (frame:Frame<_,_>) = frame.GetFrameData()

    // See
    let boxOptional obj =
        match obj with
        | Deedle.OptionalValue.Present obj -> box (obj.ToString()) 
        | _ -> box ""

    // See
    let frameToArray (data:FrameData) =
        let transpose (array:'T[,]) =
          Array2D.init (array.GetLength(1)) (array.GetLength(0)) (fun i j -> array.[j, i])
        |> (fun (typ, vctr) -> vctr.ObjectSequence |> boxOptional |> Array.ofSeq)
        |> array2D
        |> transpose

    let main = 
        printfn ""
        printfn "Output Deedle FrameData To CSV"
        printfn ""
        let dff = data4Frame df
        let rzlt = frameToArray dff     
        printfn "rzlt: %A" rzlt     
            use writer = new StreamWriter(outputCsv)
            // writer.WriteLine rzlt

    |> ignore

What am I missing?


  • I would not use FrameData to do this - frame data is mostly internal and while there are some legitimate uses for it, I don't think it makes sense for this task.

    If you simply want to add an empty Delta column to your input CSV, then you can do this:

    let df : Frame<int, _> = Frame.ReadCsv("C:/temp/test-input.csv", indexCol="ID")
    df.AddColumn("Delta", [])
    df.SaveCsv("C:/temp/test-output.csv", ["ID"])

    This does almost everything you need - it writes the ID column and the extra Delta column.

    The only caveat is that it does not add the extra quotes around the data. This is not required by the CSV specification unless you need to escape a comma in a column and I don't think there is an easy way to get Deedle to do this.

    So, I think then you'd have to write your own writing to a CSV file. The following shows how to do this, but it does not correctly escape quotes and commas (which is why you should use SaveCsv even if it does not put in the quotes when they're not needed):

    use writer = new StreamWriter("C:/temp/test-output.csv")
    for key, row in Series.observations df.Rows do
      for value in Series.valuesAll row do
        writer.Write(sprintf "\"%O\"" (if value.IsSome then value.Value else box ""))