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List "contains" function in Z3

Given a typical list datatype:

(declare-datatypes (X)(
      (head X)
      (tail Lst)))))

I'm trying to create a function that returns whether a given element is in a given list. It looks like I have to use an uninterpreted function. I've tried different approaches without success. For example:

(declare-fun is-in-lst ((Int)(Lst Int)) Bool)

(assert (forall((elem Int)(lst (Lst Int)))
    (is-in-lst elem lst)
      (is-insert lst)
        (= elem (head lst))
        (is-in-lst elem (tail lst)))))))

(declare-const l1 (Lst Int))

(assert (is-in-lst 6 l1))
(assert (is-in-lst 5 l1))

Is this doable in Z3? If so, what would be the best way to address the problem? Thank you


  • The latest SMTLib standard allows for recursive definitions. Also List is predefined in Z3, so you don't need to define it yourself. You can code your function as:

    (define-fun-rec elem ((e Int) (l (List Int))) Bool
       (ite (= l nil) false (or (= e (head l)) (elem e (tail l)))))
    (declare-const l1 (List Int))
    (assert (elem 6 l1))
    (assert (elem 5 l1))
    (get-value (l1))

    For this, z3 responds:

    ((l1 (let ((a!1 (insert 6 (insert 4 (insert 7 (insert 5 nil))))))
      (insert 0 (insert 1 (insert 3 (insert 2 a!1)))))))

    You might have to get a recent version of Z3 from their nightly builds, as support for recursive-functions is rather new and thus the latest official release (4.6.0) may or may not work with this. (You can get nightly builds from