Hello everyone I got a doubt, about how to read a .txt file starting in specific line, I got the line number from I want to start to read, and I'm trying to read it, but always start from the first line
And it takes a several minutes to reach my needed line
Here's my code
'Call F_CMN_GRL_FindObjects(17,15)
strProperty = F_CMN_GRL_GlobalMain(6,17,15,0,"all items" )
strLine = split(strProperty,",")
Print strLine(0)
strValor = split(strLine(0)," ")
Print strValue(1)
numberLine = strValue(1)
Call readFromLine(numberLine)
Function readFromLine(numberLine)
numberLineEnd =numberLine + 7
print numberLine
print numberLineEnd
' Option Explicit
Dim oFso : Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oFile : Set oFile = oFso.OpenTextFile("C:\myFile.txt", 1)
' Dim myArray()
' ReDim myArray(0)
'numberLine it's the number line from I want to start to read and I want to read until numberLineEnd
For i = numberLine to numberLineEnd step 1
strLine = oFile.ReadLine
print strLine
'i = i + 1
'numberLine = numberLine + 1
End Function
I've solved it by doing it like this:
Dim i
Do While (i <= numeroLineaFin)
If (i => numeroLinea) and (i<=numeroLineaFin) Then
' If i <= numeroLineaFin Then
' tmpstr = tmpstr & oFile.readline & VbCrLf
tmpstr = oFile.readline
print tmpstr
' else
' oFile.SkipLine
' End If
end if
i = i + 1