This is the impelemtation:
Returns true if there is no negative cycle
public static bool ShortestPaths(Graph graph, int vStart,
out double[] pi, out int[] pred)
int V = graph.Nodes();
pi = new double[V]; //shortest known path lengths
pred = new int[V]; //predeceesor nodes for these paths
for (int v = 0; v < V; v++){
// TODO: Here we need to initialize pi and pred.
pi[v] = System.Double.PositiveInfinity;
pred[v] = -1;
pi[vStart] = 0;
List<Edge> edges = graph.AllEdges();
// Apply the inner loop once for every node.
for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
foreach (Edge edge in edges) //test edges all edges
// TODO: In this inner loop we need to update
// pi and pred.
int w = edges[v].To();
double weight = edges[v].Weight();
if (pi[v] + weight < pi[w]) {
pi[w] = pi[v] + weight;
pred[w] = v;
Test whether there is a negative cycle and return false if such a cycle exists.
List<Edge> bedges = graph.AllEdges();
foreach (Edge edge in bedges) {
int w = edge.To();
int v = edge.From();
double weight = edge.Weight();
if (pi[v] + weight < pi[w]) {
return false;
return true;
graphes look like this: (v,w,weigth)
int[,] edges =
There is no negative int in this but it will return false.
You have a bug in your relaxation step:
Your outer loop specifies vertex v
Your inner loop specifies edge e
Inside your inner loop, you're repeatedly taking edge v
for each iteration instead of considering edge e
to fill your pi
and pred
You can fix it as follows:
for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
foreach (Edge edge in edges) //test edges all edges
int from = edge.From();
int to = edge.To();
double weight = edge.Weight();
if (pi[from] + weight < pi[to]) {
pi[to] = pi[from] + weight;
pred[to] = from;